Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Personal philosophy of science education in a primary class Assignment

Personal philosophy of science education in a primary class - Assignment Example Students are said to develop their thinking, hand and body skills better under the inquiry-based method of teaching (Akinoglu, 2008). According to Akinoglu, science projects develop the creative thinking skills of students (2008). In teaching science to a primary class, it is important that teaching be done through small group works (Woods-McConney, Wosnitza, & Donetta, 2011). This makes the students more motivated to learn and participate actively in the activity. Another important aspect of teaching science education to primary class students is to help students understand science by linking them to the needs of society (Eady, 2008). They should be made aware of the relevance of science in their daily lives. Lastly, one concurs with McTigue and Slough that design of science texts used should enhance the interests of students to direct their attention to the essential information (2010). Furthermore, science texts should have graphical representations that can assist the students in understanding the science concept presented (McTigue & Slough, 2010). One hopes to apply the philosophies stated above in teaching science to a primary class. These philosophies were based on several theories by science educators and which one deems effective in communicating scientific principles to children. Gilbert, A. (2009). Utilizing science philosophy statements to facilitate K-3 teacher candidates’ development of inquiry-based science practice. Early Childhood Educational Journal , 36 (5), 431-438. Woods-McConney, A., Wosnitza, M., & Donetta, K. (2011, September 1). Keep it positive: Using student goals and appraisals to inform small group work in science. Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association ,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reviewing The Issues Of Software Systems Information Technology Essay

Reviewing The Issues Of Software Systems Information Technology Essay In this paper I am particularly focus on the issue of failure in relation to that group of software systems known as information systems. Then I am going to discuss two well-known cases that of the London ambulance service computer-aided dispatch system (L ) project and The London stock exchange (TAURUS) project, and describe strong failure factors of information systems failure. My purpose is also to use the generic material on IS failure and the specific details of this particular case study to critique the issues of safety, Literature review Like most computing professionals in the UK we were aware of the failure, using this term broadly, of the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system deployed by the London Ambulance Service (LAS) in, or shortly after, For orientation a short sketch of the report follows. There have been a number of other analyses of the LAS CAD system failure of which Mellor (1994) is probably the most useful. The London Ambulance System Disaster, 1992 Overview The basic functionality of the intended LASCAD system was as follows: British Telecom (BT) operators would route all 999 calls concerning medical emergencies as a matter of routine to LAS headquarters (HQ) in Waterloo. 18 HQ receivers were then expected to record on the system the name, telephone number and address of the caller, and the name, destination address and brief details of the patient. This information would then be transmitted over a local area network to a locator. The system was lightly loaded at start-up on 26 October 1992. Any problems, caused particularly by the communications systems (such as ambulance crews pressing the wrong buttons, or ambulances being radioed in black spots), could be effectively managed by staff. However, as the number of ambulance incidents increased, the amount of incorrect vehicle information recorded by the system increased. This had a knock-on effect in that the system made incorrect allocations on the basis of the information it had. For example, multiple vehicles were sent to the same incident, or the closest vehicle was not chosen for dispatch. As a consequence, the system had fewer ambulance resources to allocate. The system also placed calls that had not gone through the appropriate protocol on a waiting list and generated exception messages for those incidents for which it had received incorrect status information. Indeed, the number of exception messages appears to have increased to such an extent the staf f were not able to clear the queue. It became increasingly difficult for staff to attend to messages that had scrolled off the screen. The increasing size of the queue slowed the system. Factors Contributed to Such a Disaster Managerial failure Technical failure Human failure Managerial failure LAS management ignored or chose not accept advice provided to it from many sources outside of the service on the time table or the high risk of the comprehensive systems requirement The project did not show, or discuss with, the LAS Board independence references on the lead CAD contractor, that raised doubts on their ability to handle such a major project The LAS boards were given a misleading impression, by the project team of the previous experience of the lead contractor in emergency service system In awarding the contract for CAD to a small software house, with no previous experience of similar systems, LAS management were taking higher risk Project management throughout the development and implantation process was inadequate and at times ambiguous. A major system integration project such as CAD requires full time. Professional, experienced project management, this was lacking There was incomplete ownership of the system by the majority of it users. The many problems identified with many of the system components over the preceding months had installed an atmosphere of system destruct in which staff expected system to fail rather than willing it to succeed LAS board and RHA management, whilst realizing that there were continuing problems with the implementation of CAD, consistently accepted assurances from executive directors that problems were being rectified and that successful implementation would be achieved at no time was a full independent review commissioned of the true state of the project Technical failure LAS fail to follow the PRINCE project Management Method in the set up and operation of an information Technology (IT) executive committee, project board, project management team and project assurance team: London Ambulance Service The CAD system relied on near perfect information on vehicle location and status being available to it at all times. The project team failed to appreciate fully the impact that a higher level of imperfection would have on the system The system was not fully tested to a satisfactory level of quality and resilience before full implementation on 26 October 1992 On 26 and 27 October 1992 the computer system itself did not fail in a technical sense. Response times did on occasions become unacceptable, but overall the system did what it had been designed to do. However, much of the design had fatal flaws that would, and did, cumulatively lead to all of the symptoms of systems failure On 4 November 1992 the system did fail. This was caused by a minor programming error that caused the system to crash The automatic change over to the backup system had not been adequately tested, those the whole system was brought down Human failure Training provided to CAD staff and to ambulance crews was incomplete and inconsistent LAS management consultancy attributed CAD problems to willful misuse of the system by some ambulance crews. There is no direct evidence of this, but the circumstantial evidence that does exist indirect to the Inquiry Team that it would have been only one of the many contributory factors that led to the CAD failure In the period leading up to an including 26 and27 October 1992 there were insufficient control assistants taking emergency call. This contributed to an unacceptable level of calling times. This has since been rectified Conclusion Failure was due to a complex mix of factors Participation alone is not sufficient but helps! Expectation of failure plays a part does not meet the needs of the stakeholders Systems should strive to meet the shared goals needs of the different stakeholders LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE (TAURUS) FAILURE Introduction The London stock exchange is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world with numerous foreign listings as well as British organizations In 1989 the London Stock Exchange (LSE) put forward a proposal for a computerized system to ensure that share certificates and cash changed hands between the interested parties after the trading transaction; implicit in this was the dematerialization of stock certificates. It was a big project with hundreds of staff contracted in and lots of external pressures from various different stakeholders. The initial goals of the system were 4 folded. Competitive Efficiency Cost Service What TAURUS Team did wrong? Lack of executive and stakeholders support Based on the problems encountered it seem that the project manager was not that experience Have a large expanding scope Went ahead with the implementation of a system with lack of user and stakeholders commitment. Lack of skilled resources and clear complete specs. Reason for TAURUS Collapse Poor monitoring and controlling Monitoring a project work includes collecting, measuring, and disseminating performance information. If TAURUS management had good monitoring and control practices they would have known when they project was not meeting project objectives Poor management of the nine project management knowledge areas Knowledge Areas TAURUS project managers managed the nine project management knowledge areas poorly Scope: If they had managed the scope of the project effective the huge scope creep would not have been encountered. Cost: If this was managed effectively the project would not have gone over budget 100% Time: If this area had been manage effective the project would not have had a schedule overrun by 100% Quality: If the quality area of the system was manage properly the specification was have been clear and complete Risk: If the risk had been managed effectively they might have been able to abundant the project earlier. Communication: If communication was managed all changes and delay would be communicated in a timely. Human resources: skilled resources would be acquired and utilized. Integrated Change Control If TAURUS had an integrated change control they might have been able to influence the factors that create changes to ensure that changes are beneficial and control the scope of the project. Changes would be communicated to top management and steering committee in a timely manner and they would be able to manage these changes as they occur because change control is a critical success factors. Project Management Issues Poor Management of triple constraints SCOPE TAURUS managers failed to control and monitor the scope of the project TIME Management failed to define maintain and utilize clear timetables with small milestones COST Management failed to maintain and track change to the project budget Additionally, the budget and time constraints of the projects were seen to be a differentiator to their success. Goulielmos (2003) states that of the four concepts of failure in Information Systems is process failure where the project over runs its budget or time constrictions. TAURUS did both incurring increasing media attention and scrutiny, which led to an increase in pressure on the project team (Head, 2001). Conclusion Throughout the project there were several warning signs that were missed. The project completion date was delayed 100% Constantly changing requirements Project not being accepted by major stakeholders Incomplete specifications 100% over cost. Fragmentation of the project (components to work together) Appraisal of leading system development methodologies Waterfall Model This is the most common and classic of life cycle models, also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model.   It is very simple to understand and use.   In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin.   At the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path and whether or not to continue or discard the project.   Unlike what I mentioned in the general model, phases do not overlap in a waterfall model. Waterfall Life Cycle Model Advantages Simple and easy to use. One of the main advantages of the waterfall model is its simplicity. It is conceptually straightforward and divides the large task of building a software system into a series of cleanly divided phases, each phase dealing with a separate logical concern. It is also easy to administer in a contractual setup-as each phase is completed and its work product produced, some amount of money is given by the customer to the developing organization. The project management stakeholders are forced to correctly define the business requirements documentation (BRD) and the project management requirements. At the sometime the developers are forced to understand these thoroughly before they start writing the software requirements specification (SRS), high level design and code. It essentially requires documentation at every stage. This gives better understanding of the requirements, the logic of the codes and tests that were conducted on the software.   Disadvantages The project scope statement needs to be detailed in infinite depth from the start because changes are not possible when using waterfall methodology. This is because the only way to amend something which has been already developed is to go back and start again. This will cause huge problems on projects where the project sponsors are indecisive and quickly causes scope creep. Project communications with the client are extremely limited being either at the beginning or at the end of the development. In between, there is no way in which one can get feedback or potentially clarify any confusion over what the requirement actually means. The knock on effect is that it is up to the project team to make the key decisions on what requirements can be developed within the timeframes required, and what is developed later in a later deployment release by project planning in teams. This not only increases the overall time required to develop the software but also means that despite the teams best efforts, the customer may still be extremely unhappy with the end product delivered. Key team members stay idle for long durations. You see Waterfall does not operate on a matrix basis which makes project resource management an extremely rigid activity. Basically those allocated to the project stay on it until that phase is over. This as we can imagine, has a direct knock on effect on the project budget. It is a very inflexible method which does not entertain any change in requirements and which makes any subsequent functionality changes required extremely difficult and expensive to implement. As such the fast pace of changing requirements determined makes this methodology difficult to use and calls for more quick methods of software development such as agile methodology. Prototyping Model This is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the prototype is created, it is given to the customer for evaluation. The customer tests the package and gives his/her feed back to the developer who refines the product according to the customers exact expectation. After a finite number of iterations, the final software package is given to the customer. In this methodology, the software is evolved as a result of periodic shuttling of information between the customer and developer. This is the most popular development model in the contemporary IT industry. Most of the successful software products have been developed using this model as it is very difficult to comprehend all the requirements of a customer in one shot. Advantages For example, design documents, a test plan, and a test case specification are not needed during the development of the prototype. Another important cost-cutting measure is to reduce testing. Because testing consumes a major part of development expenditure during regular software development, this has a considerable impact in reducing costs. By using these types of cost cutting methods, it is possible to keep the cost of the prototype to less than a few percent of the total development cost. Overall, prototyping is well suited for projects where requirements are hard to determine and the confidence in the stated requirements is low. In such projects where requirements are not properly understood in the beginning, using the prototyping process model can be the most effective method for developing the software. It is also an excellent technique for reducing some types of risks associated with a project. Agile Methodology Agile methodology is an approach to project management, typically used in software development. It helps teams respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative work cadences, 10 Key Principles of Agile Software Development, Active user involvement is imperative 2. The team must be empowered to make decisions 3. Requirements evolve but the timescale is fixed 4. Capture requirements at a high level; lightweight visual 5. Develop small, incremental releases and iterate 6. Focus on frequent delivery of products 7. Complete each feature before moving on to the next 8. Apply the 80/20 rule 9. Testing is integrated throughout the project lifecycle test early and often 10. A collaborative cooperative approach between all stakeholders is essential IT/IS Projects Fail. And How Agile Principles Help Common cause of failure How agile helps Project Initiation Planning Issues Poor definition of project scope and objectives Agile projects also benefit from clear definition of scope and objectives, even though details are allowed to emerge throughout the development. Insufficient time or money given to project If only agile could solve this! Long or unrealistic timescales; forcing project end dates despite best estimates Agile projects encourage short and regular iterations, developing the software and delivering working product in small bite size pieces. Technical Requirements Issues Poor or no requirements definition; incomplete or changing requirements Agile projects expect requirements to be incomplete and changing. Thats the nature of software. Instead of resisting this, agile projects provide for it by allowing requirements are allowed to emerge and evolve. Requirements being produced on a feature-by-feature basis, just in time to be developed, help with definition because it breaks this intensive task into small pieces instead of being a mammoth effort up front. Unfamiliar or changing technologies; lack of required technical skills Agile methods dont help directly with this issue, although can help to surface such issues early, and make them visible. Stakeholder Management Team Issues Inadequate visibility of project status Agile projects provide clear visibility of measurable progress on a daily basis. Project team members lack experience and do not have the required skills Agile principles may help to surface such issues early, as they may well be evident in early iterations of the software. Frequent delivery of iterations and continuous testing can help to mitigate this risk when it might otherwise go unnoticed until much later in the project. Poor collaboration, communication and teamwork Close cooperation and collaboration between all stakeholders is essential. Project Management Issues Weak ongoing management; inadequately trained or inexperienced project managers Agile methods and principles are just management tools. A fool with a tool is still a fool! Ineffective time and cost management Daily visibility of measurable progress. Conclusion The most Causes for Software Projects to fail Changes in Requirements Classical Software Development life cycles assume that the requirements are fixed at the beginning of the project, Customer only sees the product at the end of the software development, Customer is not aware of the current status of the Software Development. This happens due to changes in the Business environment, as the customer uses a software module, he/she will see new features that are necessary All modern software development methodologies (such as Agile) encourage shorter iterations, usually iterations are measured in weeks, and the developers demo the new features during the meetings with the customer at the end of each iteration. The customer can provide valuable feedback that will ensure that the software developed will meet the customers actual requirements.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The poems I am comparing in this essay are Half-past two and :: English Literature

The poems I am comparing in this essay are Half-past two and Reports by U.A. Fanthorpe and Leaving school by Hugo Williams. All three of the poems are about school, and about the different aspects of it. There are several points of view expressed in the poems, such as that of a teacher, the confusion of a child starting boarding school, and a child who cannot tell the time. In the poem 'Half-past two', the poem tells of a child who, after being told off as been told to stay inside until half-past two and then he can go. To the dismay and confusion of the child, he cannot tell the time and so wonders what to do when and if, half-past two ever came. In this poem, the style is very much that of a child speaking firsthand to himself and thinking in his head. The poem begins with 'Once upon a' which is a harsh clichÃÆ'Â © of old fairytales of which the majority of them started in this way. In the first paragraph, as he is so young he did 'something very wrong' but then carries on to say that he had forgotten what it was that he had done to deserve his punishment. At the end of the lines in the first verse, there is no punctuation so that the reader doesn't pause and is forced to carry on reading to reach the end of the sentence, and enable them to have a pause. This is written just how a child would tell a story, by not taking a pause until the most important bit of a story is told. When the child speaks of phrases that he hears often, they are written as, 'Gettinguptime, timeyouwereofftime.' As the child cannot tell the time, he classes these as ways to tell the time. U.A. Fanthorpe attempts to recreate the voice and thoughts of the child by describing a clock as having 'little eyes' and 'two long legs for walking' meaning the hands of the clock. In the 8th verse, the deliberate repetition of the opening words of each line 'Into the' are used to suggest a change of mood. The longer lines suggest how his mind escapes and his imagination starts to unwind. This contrasts with the other verses and situation. When the child writes about his teacher, he uses capitals when addressing 'Her'. U.A. Fanthorpe has done this to show how important the child regards the teacher. When the teacher starts talking, U.A Fanthorpe uses italics to show how he regards her, and also as a contrast to the normal font used so that her speech catches the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sex and Gender in Sally Potter’s Orlando

Critically assess Judith Butler’s notion that gender is not a primary category, but an attribute, a set of secondary narrative effects. Your answer should make reference to Sally Potter’s film Orlando. Though Judith Butler asserts that gender is not of any importance, her writings on this notion, understandably, must put a lot of emphasis on the subject of sex. How else could she prove her theory, if not through a discussion of the unimportance of gender? In any case, her hypothesis is one that practically defines Sally Potter’s Orlando. Based on the novelette of the same name by Virginia Woolf, the film depicts an androgynous young man’s curiously long and forever-youthful life, and his slow transformation from man to woman. It is surely a tale that represents Butler’s concern of the eventual unimportance of gender throughout history. Orlando opens with the assertion by the narrator (voiced by the eponymous character) that â€Å"there can be no doubt about his sex, despite the feminine appearance that every young man of the time aspires to. The young nobleman Orlando acts as messenger for Queen Elizabeth, who, captivated by the young man’s beauty, offers him a castle, land and an inheritance for him and his heirs. These possessions will only be his on the condition that he does not â€Å"fade†, â€Å"wither† or â€Å"grow old†. We see the young Orlando fall deeply in love with a young woman, Princess Sasha, whom he loses to another man. Heartbroken, he decides to travel the world throughout the early stages of his long life. Orlando, having experienced war, violence and other such male endeavours, becomes disenchanted with the way men think and behave. He returns home to his estate as a woman. Here, she is told that as the estate belongs to Lord Orlando, or to his heirs, she must leave, as neither title applies to her. Rejected by society, Orlando finds acceptance and solace in the arms of the handsome Captain Shelmardine, the first man with whom she is sexually intimate. It is Shelmardine who makes Orlando realise what identity she truly wants – that of a mother. After all, she â€Å"came into this world searching for companionship. † Centuries later, we see Orlando, still a woman â€Å"for there can be no doubt about her sex†¦ even] with the slightly androgynous appearance that many females of the time aspire to†. She is visiting her old home with a happy young girl – her daughter. Orlando has finally found an identity she is comfortable with. In further commentary on the nature of gender as a secondary narrative, Butler once claimed that â€Å"gender is in no way a stable identity†. This, for all intents and purposes, could be the tagline for Orlando. The titular character is an androgynous being, with no strong convictions about which sex they would rather be. On her transformation into a woman, Orlando commented mildly; â€Å"Same person. No difference at all. Just a different sex†. Butler also commented that sex is an identity obtained, not through physical attributes, but through a performance. A perception of gender is imitated, â€Å"instituted through bodily styles†. However, the critic does not mention appearance; she is merely referring to the understanding of each gender being conveyed through certain physical gestures, movements or actions. Therefore, one’s gender is only as real as our performance of it. The same is true of Orlando, behaves in a comically awkward manner while getting used to her first dress. Being unfamiliar with the heavy frame and netting of her skirt, she walks down her hallway, bumping into furniture and awkwardly swinging her dress to the left to side-step a maid who passes by. In her first social situation, she stomps self-consciously into the drawing room, and then plonks herself down on a couch, rather ungracefully. She hasn’t taken on the grace of a woman, so she still seems to be a man, masquerading as a woman. Butler goes on to describe the gender performance as â€Å"one with clearly punitive consequences†. In short, failing at sufficiently portraying your gender through â€Å"bodily styles† will result in punishment, which is often in the form of alienation. The Lady Orlando confuses her society with her transformation. In a way, her failure to be Lord Orlando, a man, sees her cast out of her rightful home, and, in turn, alienated by society. In Orlando’s climatic scene, the Lady Orlando and her lover, Shelmardine, discuss the common perception regarding gender. â€Å"If I were a man,† Muses the newly-female Orlando, â€Å"might choose not to risk my life for an uncertain cause. I might think that freedom won by death is not worth having. † Shelmardine argues that, in the eyes of society, this would be to â€Å"choose not to be a real man at all†. He, in turn, mocks the stereotype observations regarding women; â€Å"Say if I were a woman; I might choose not to sacrifice my life caring for my children. Or my children’s children. Or to drown anonymously in the milk of female kindness. But instead choose to go abroad. Would I then be –†, (here Orlando interrupts him), â€Å"A real woman? † Yet it is this conversation, the embodiment of Butler’s theories on gender performance, which bring Orlando to the ealisation that she longs for a child. Not to earn back her home through her heir, and not to better portray the behaviour of a woman, but simply to have the companionship and love she always longed for. Orlando’s eponymous character is a human, if fictional, personification of Judith Butler’s many the ses regarding gender. Orlando’s gender does not change her character in any way, she is the â€Å"same person. No difference at all. † She does not understand that, to be accepted, she must perform the role of ‘woman’ to avoid confusing her peers. This is something she simply can’t do; she is who she is. Yet she is punished for her failure to be a man, or to behave like a woman. In the end, she ceases to care or worry about her gender identity. She is a mother, happy with the companion she always craved. Her identity is simply: Orlando. Bibliography * Butler, J. (1988) Performative Acts and Gender Constitutions. In Rivkin, J & Ryan, M ‘Literary Theory: An Anthology, Second Edition’ (pp. 900 – 911). United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. * Butler, J. (2004) Undoing Gender. United States: Routledge. * Potter, S. (Director). 1992. Orlando. [Motion Picture]. United Kingdom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Question 1) With examples give 5 reasons why the study of microeconomics is important. Microeconomics is a field of economic study that focuses on how an individual's behaviour and decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services. For the purpose of microeconomics, the actions of individuals, households and businesses are crucial, unlike the study of macroeconomics, which focuses on national and international economic trends. Despite the differences between the two fields, however, micro-level trends and the study of microeconomics are considered the basis of modern macroeconomics.Macroeconomics is concerned with the big picture, for example, the national economy and gross domestic product. By contrast, microeconomics is concerned with the small picture and focuses on theories of supply and demand. Firstly, microeconomics is very important in business, especially when it comes to a new business. Entrepreneurs create businesses by purchasing and utilizing factors of produ ction. In order to estimate the potential return on investment (ROI) of those factors of production, entrepreneurs must have a basic knowledge of microeconomic concepts such as supply, demand, cost and profit.Without the basics of microeconomics, it is impossible to know how much a particular good can be sold for in a particular area. Furthermore, without microeconomic basics on costs and earnings, it is impossible to estimate ROI, thus will lead to poor financial investments. Microeconomics is very useful in business decision making. It helps business to achieve maximum production with the given amount of resources. Business firms can make decisions in demand analysis, cost analysis and methods of calculating prices.Second, marketing people must have a basic understanding of microeconomics so that they can set prices for products and decide in which markets to sell those products. For example, with an understanding of microeconomics, a computer company marketing manager can advise the CEO to start allowing instalment payments in case of an economic downturn, thus recovering business from customers hit hard by the recession. A marketing manager without a sense of economics might not realize that such options are available. Third, microeconomics is important when it comes to management.Managers must understand the concept of return on investment (ROI) when setting salaries for new hires, as employees are supposed to generate profits for the company. Managers must also have an understanding of microeconomics when making general budget decisions. A project shouldn't be given a budget that exceeds what the project is expected to produce in future earnings. These kinds of decisions are based on the microeconomic concepts of cost, revenue and profit. Fourth, Finance and Accounting also requires the understandings of microeconomics.Finance people probably use microeconomics more than anyone else in business. Financial analysts use microeconomic and macroeconomic theo ries in order to forecast the future value of financial assets. For example, gold, stocks, bonds and other investments. A securities analyst might use microeconomic data to determine the change in income of people in a given country, then use the microeconomic concept of â€Å"price elasticity of demand† for the responsiveness of consumer demand to changes in consumer income and to determine whether the price of a given asset will rise or fall in that country.Accountants use financial ratios that are derived from microeconomics. Lastly, the understanding of microeconomic is needed to provide tools for economic policies. Microeconomic helps to impose tax rates by analyzing the demand and supply factors. It also helps to determine the government policies on the resource allocation and pricing. Government also make policies to control the prices of goods by using the theory of price ceiling and price floor. By understanding microeconomics, we can examine the implications and eff ectiveness of the government policies. Question 2) Define â€Å"ceteris paribus â€Å".Explain why the device of ceteris paribus is so important in economics. Ceteris Paribus is a Latin phrase that translates approximately to â€Å"holding other things constant† and is usually rendered in English as â€Å"all other things being equal†. In Economics the term â€Å"Ceteris Paribus† is used quite often to assume all other factors to remain the same, while analysing the relationship between any two variables. For example, when discussing the laws of supply and demand, one could say that if demand for a given product outweighs supply, ceteris paribus, prices will rise.Here, the use of â€Å"ceteris paribus† is simply saying that as long as all other factors that could affect the outcome such as the existence of a substitute product remain constant, prices will increase in this situation. One of the disciplines in which ceteris paribus are most widely used is economics, in which they are employed to simplify the formulation and description of economic outcomes and the theoretical relationship of cause and effect. When using ceteris paribus in economics, assume all other variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant.For example, it can be predicted that if the price of beef increases, ceteris paribus, the quantity of beef demanded by buyers will decrease. In this example, the clause is used to operationally describe everything surrounding the relationship between both the price and the quantity demanded of an ordinary good. This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example.Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include the relative change in price of substitute goods like the price of beef vs. chicken, t he level of risk dislikes among buyers like the fear of mad cow disease, and the level of overall demand for a good regardless of its current price level like a societal shift toward vegetarianism. If we try to establish the relationship between demand and price, there may be other variables which may also influence demand besides price. The influence of other factors may invalidate the hypothesis that quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely related to its price.If rise in price takes place along with an increasing in income or a change technology, then the effect of price change may not be the same. However, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. Ceteris Paribus is important in economics as it is an assumption which we are bound to make when there are complexities in the reality. It is necessary for the sake of convenience. The limitations of human intelligence and capacity compel us to make this as sumption.Besides, without the assumption we cannot reach on economic relations, sequences and conclusions. In fact, there are large numbers of variables interacting simultaneously at a given time. If our analysis has to be accurate we may have to examine two variables at a time which makes it inevitable to assume other variables to remain unchanged. For the ceteris paribus assumption, let’s take for example by assuming an economist examines a model explaining the relationship between the price and quantity purchased of Coca-Cola. The theory is â€Å"if the price increases, then the quantity of Coca-Cola decreases, ceteris paribus. Now assume the process of Coca-Cola was observed to increased one summer and some people actually bought more, not less. Based on this real-world observation, you would declare the theory is wrong but actually the economist responds that this is a reasoning pitfall because the model is valid based on the assumption of ceteris paribus, and your obse rvation gives no reason to reject the model. The reason the model appeared flawed is because another factor which is a sharp rise in the temperature. The rise in temperature caused people to buy more Coca-Cola in spite of its higher price.If the temperature and all other factors were held constant as the price of Coca-Cola rises, then people indeed would buy less Coca-Cola, as the model predicts. Therefore, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. As a conclusion, ceteris paribus is important as it enhances our understandings towards the theoretical relationship of cause and effect as we can analyse the relationship between two variable without having any other variable influencing the results.The assumption of Ceteris Paribus eliminates the influence of other factors which may get in the way of establishing a scientific statement regarding the behaviour of economic variables. References Question 1 reference : Importance of microeconomics, http://www. slideshare. net/tribhuwan64/presentation-on-importance-of-microecon omics Importance of microeconomics, http://www. ehow. com/info_8301181_importance-microeconomics-business. html Question 2 reference: Microeconomics for Today, books. google. com. my/books? isbn=0538469447 Basic Tools in Economics, http://wikieducator. org/Basic_Tools_in_Economic_Analysis Microeconomics Question 1) With examples give 5 reasons why the study of microeconomics is important. Microeconomics is a field of economic study that focuses on how an individual's behaviour and decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services. For the purpose of microeconomics, the actions of individuals, households and businesses are crucial, unlike the study of macroeconomics, which focuses on national and international economic trends. Despite the differences between the two fields, however, micro-level trends and the study of microeconomics are considered the basis of modern macroeconomics.Macroeconomics is concerned with the big picture, for example, the national economy and gross domestic product. By contrast, microeconomics is concerned with the small picture and focuses on theories of supply and demand. Firstly, microeconomics is very important in business, especially when it comes to a new business. Entrepreneurs create businesses by purchasing and utilizing factors of produ ction. In order to estimate the potential return on investment (ROI) of those factors of production, entrepreneurs must have a basic knowledge of microeconomic concepts such as supply, demand, cost and profit.Without the basics of microeconomics, it is impossible to know how much a particular good can be sold for in a particular area. Furthermore, without microeconomic basics on costs and earnings, it is impossible to estimate ROI, thus will lead to poor financial investments. Microeconomics is very useful in business decision making. It helps business to achieve maximum production with the given amount of resources. Business firms can make decisions in demand analysis, cost analysis and methods of calculating prices.Second, marketing people must have a basic understanding of microeconomics so that they can set prices for products and decide in which markets to sell those products. For example, with an understanding of microeconomics, a computer company marketing manager can advise the CEO to start allowing instalment payments in case of an economic downturn, thus recovering business from customers hit hard by the recession. A marketing manager without a sense of economics might not realize that such options are available. Third, microeconomics is important when it comes to management.Managers must understand the concept of return on investment (ROI) when setting salaries for new hires, as employees are supposed to generate profits for the company. Managers must also have an understanding of microeconomics when making general budget decisions. A project shouldn't be given a budget that exceeds what the project is expected to produce in future earnings. These kinds of decisions are based on the microeconomic concepts of cost, revenue and profit. Fourth, Finance and Accounting also requires the understandings of microeconomics.Finance people probably use microeconomics more than anyone else in business. Financial analysts use microeconomic and macroeconomic theo ries in order to forecast the future value of financial assets. For example, gold, stocks, bonds and other investments. A securities analyst might use microeconomic data to determine the change in income of people in a given country, then use the microeconomic concept of â€Å"price elasticity of demand† for the responsiveness of consumer demand to changes in consumer income and to determine whether the price of a given asset will rise or fall in that country.Accountants use financial ratios that are derived from microeconomics. Lastly, the understanding of microeconomic is needed to provide tools for economic policies. Microeconomic helps to impose tax rates by analyzing the demand and supply factors. It also helps to determine the government policies on the resource allocation and pricing. Government also make policies to control the prices of goods by using the theory of price ceiling and price floor. By understanding microeconomics, we can examine the implications and eff ectiveness of the government policies. Question 2) Define â€Å"ceteris paribus â€Å".Explain why the device of ceteris paribus is so important in economics. Ceteris Paribus is a Latin phrase that translates approximately to â€Å"holding other things constant† and is usually rendered in English as â€Å"all other things being equal†. In Economics the term â€Å"Ceteris Paribus† is used quite often to assume all other factors to remain the same, while analysing the relationship between any two variables. For example, when discussing the laws of supply and demand, one could say that if demand for a given product outweighs supply, ceteris paribus, prices will rise.Here, the use of â€Å"ceteris paribus† is simply saying that as long as all other factors that could affect the outcome such as the existence of a substitute product remain constant, prices will increase in this situation. One of the disciplines in which ceteris paribus are most widely used is economics, in which they are employed to simplify the formulation and description of economic outcomes and the theoretical relationship of cause and effect. When using ceteris paribus in economics, assume all other variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant.For example, it can be predicted that if the price of beef increases, ceteris paribus, the quantity of beef demanded by buyers will decrease. In this example, the clause is used to operationally describe everything surrounding the relationship between both the price and the quantity demanded of an ordinary good. This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example.Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include the relative change in price of substitute goods like the price of beef vs. chicken, t he level of risk dislikes among buyers like the fear of mad cow disease, and the level of overall demand for a good regardless of its current price level like a societal shift toward vegetarianism. If we try to establish the relationship between demand and price, there may be other variables which may also influence demand besides price. The influence of other factors may invalidate the hypothesis that quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely related to its price.If rise in price takes place along with an increasing in income or a change technology, then the effect of price change may not be the same. However, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. Ceteris Paribus is important in economics as it is an assumption which we are bound to make when there are complexities in the reality. It is necessary for the sake of convenience. The limitations of human intelligence and capacity compel us to make this as sumption.Besides, without the assumption we cannot reach on economic relations, sequences and conclusions. In fact, there are large numbers of variables interacting simultaneously at a given time. If our analysis has to be accurate we may have to examine two variables at a time which makes it inevitable to assume other variables to remain unchanged. For the ceteris paribus assumption, let’s take for example by assuming an economist examines a model explaining the relationship between the price and quantity purchased of Coca-Cola. The theory is â€Å"if the price increases, then the quantity of Coca-Cola decreases, ceteris paribus. Now assume the process of Coca-Cola was observed to increased one summer and some people actually bought more, not less. Based on this real-world observation, you would declare the theory is wrong but actually the economist responds that this is a reasoning pitfall because the model is valid based on the assumption of ceteris paribus, and your obse rvation gives no reason to reject the model. The reason the model appeared flawed is because another factor which is a sharp rise in the temperature. The rise in temperature caused people to buy more Coca-Cola in spite of its higher price.If the temperature and all other factors were held constant as the price of Coca-Cola rises, then people indeed would buy less Coca-Cola, as the model predicts. Therefore, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. As a conclusion, ceteris paribus is important as it enhances our understandings towards the theoretical relationship of cause and effect as we can analyse the relationship between two variable without having any other variable influencing the results.The assumption of Ceteris Paribus eliminates the influence of other factors which may get in the way of establishing a scientific statement regarding the behaviour of economic variables. References Question 1 reference : Importance of microeconomics, http://www. slideshare. net/tribhuwan64/presentation-on-importance-of-microecon omics Importance of microeconomics, http://www. ehow. com/info_8301181_importance-microeconomics-business. html Question 2 reference: Microeconomics for Today, books. google. com. my/books? isbn=0538469447 Basic Tools in Economics, http://wikieducator. org/Basic_Tools_in_Economic_Analysis

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Operating Philosophy Example

Operating Philosophy Example Operating Philosophy – Coursework Example How to Always Smile At Problems There are many different philosophies that people believe in to get through life. My biggest philosophy in life is this: â€Å"always smile at problems†. I have three values that guide this philosophy.Value 1: smiling at problems helps you look at a problem from a brighter angle. Like the famous saying a blessing in disguise or seeing the glass half full and not half empty. Life is full of stresses and it is too short to keep on brooding over our daily problems, that is why you need to smile at your problems and move on.Value 2: smiling at problems relieves stress by uplifting our moods. Holding on to our problems can sometimes drag us into depression. But if we could just smile and remind ourselves that there is no gain without pain, then we can be relieved from our problems very easily. This is because we would try to forget we have problems since other solve even bigger problems and they are not crying everywhere.Value 3: smiling at our probl ems makes us beautiful. Stress and depression can often be seen by other people by our skin, facial expression and our grooming. A stressed out person is badly groomed since their problems overshadows every aspect of their lives. It is consoling to remember that smiling reduces aging. If only we can smile knowing that our problems keeps us alive since only dead people have no drama in their lives.Smile at your problems and remember that without problems you would never know your true friends. Moreover, problems give you stories to tell not to mention the experience we gain from those problems.Finally smiling leads to laughter which is the cure for all diseases and uplifts spirits. You sleep soundly when you smile and it makes you fresh and bright in the morning.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Response 5 Example

Response 5 Example Response 5 – Article Example Response 5 The intense patriotic sentiment and national pride in Panama Canal started after the end of Suez Canal. The project started in 1904 with the guidance of chief engineer John Wallace. In as much as it started under praises and hope of success from Suez Canal, several challenges prevailed to both European and Spanish labourers. The film A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama shares these sentiments with Julie Greene’s book Spaniards on the Silver Roll: Labor Troubles and Liminality in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904-1914. In the film, building of the canal gets guided by smart people without the wisdom to harmonize different cultures. The deadly look through Nova’s eye brings into perspective a 30-year-old period of torment. The human trap in the film leads to death of many labourers mainly European and Spanish labourers1. They have no access to information, are victims to corruption and discrimination in terms of payment. For example, many labourers received 10 cents an ho ur, an amount not able to sustain anybody.The racial segregation in the book also unveils the imperial and complex labour issues in the Canal Zone. Green notes that labourers have the opportunity to suffer but cannot air their grievances. For example, when the Spaniards protest against the right to eat in the job, a foreman suspends 500 people for insubordination2. The high number of workers raises many labor concerns; however, race and nationality takes priority during the construction period. Interestingly, recruitment agents promise heavens despite the deplorable conditions. Worse of all, labourers have no protection from the police or any labor unions.BibliographyDavid McCullough. NOVA: A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama. 2011Julie Greene, aSpaniards on the Silver Roll: Labor Troubles and Liminality in the Panama Canal Zone, 1904-1914, International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 66, New Approaches to Global Labor History (Fall, 2004), pp. 78-98, Cambridge University Press

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shakespeares Sonnet 18 Study Guide

Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 Study Guide William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 is justifiably  considered one of the most beautiful  verses  in the English language. The  sonnet’s  enduring power comes from  Shakespeare’s  ability to capture the essence of love so clearly and succinctly. After much debate among  scholars, it is now generally accepted that the subject of the poem is male. In 1640, a publisher named  John Benson released a highly inaccurate edition of Shakespeare’s sonnets in which he edited out the young man, replacing â€Å"he† with â€Å"she.† Benson’s revision was considered the standard text until 1780 when Edmond Malone returned to the 1609  quarto and re-edited the poems. Scholars soon realized that the first 126 sonnets were originally addressed to a young man, sparking debates about Shakespeare’s sexuality. The nature of the relationship between the two men is highly ambiguous and it is often impossible to tell if Shakespeare is describing platonic or erotic love. Summary Sonnet 18 is perhaps the most famous of the 154 sonnets Shakespeare completed in his lifetime (not including the six he included in several of his plays). The poem was originally published, along with Shakespeares other sonnets, in a quarto in 1609. Scholars have identified three subjects in this collection of poems- the Rival Poet, the Dark Lady, and an anonymous young man known as the Fair Youth. Sonnet 18 is addressed to the latter. The poem opens with the immortal line Shall I compare thee to a summers day? following which Shakespeare does just that, finding the youths beauty even more lovely and more temperate that that of summer. Here Shakespeare is at his most romantic, writing that  love and the youth’s beauty are more permanent than a summer’s day, which is tainted by occasional winds, blistering heat, and the eventual change of season. While summer must always come to an end, the speaker’s love for the man is eternal- and the youths eternal summer shall not fade. The young man to whom the poem is addressed is the muse for Shakespeare’s first 126 sonnets. Although there is some debate about the correct ordering of the texts, the first 126 sonnets are thematically interlinked and demonstrate a progressive narrative. They tell of a romantic affair that becomes more passionate and intense with each sonnet. In the  previous 17  sonnets, the poet has been trying to convince the young man to settle down and have children, but in Sonnet 18 the speaker abandons this domesticity for the first time and accepts love’s all-consuming passion- a theme that appears again in the sonnets that follow. Major Themes Sonnet 18 touches on a few simple themes: Love The speaker begins by comparing the man’s beauty to summer, but soon the man becomes a force of nature himself. In the line  Ã¢â‚¬Å"thy eternal summer shall not fade,† the man suddenly embodies summer. As a perfect being, he is even powerful than the summer’s day to which he has been compared up to this point. In this way, Shakespeare suggests that love is an even more powerful force than nature. Writing and Memory Like many other sonnets, Sonnet 18 contains a volta, or turn, where the subject matter changes and the speaker shifts from describing the subjects beauty to describing what will happen after the youth eventually grows old and dies. Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade, Shakespeare writes. Instead, he says that the fair youth will live on through the poem itself, which has captured the young mans beauty: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Literary Style Sonnet 18 is an English or Elizabethan sonnet, meaning it contains 14 lines, including three quatrains and a couplet, and is written in iambic pentameter. The poem follows the rhyme scheme  abab cdcd efef gg. Like many sonnets of the era, the poem takes the form of a direct address to an unnamed subject. The volta occurs at the beginning of the third quatrain, where the poet turns his attention to the future- But thy eternal summer shall not fade. The key literary device in the poem is metaphor, which Shakespeare references directly in the opening line. However, instead of using it traditionally- comparing the subject to a summers day- Shakespeare draws attention to all the ways in which the comparison is inadequate. Historical Context Little is known about the composition of Shakespeares sonnets and how much of the material in them is autobiographical. Scholars have long speculated about the identity of the young man who is the subject of the first 126 sonnets, but they have yet to find any conclusive answers. Key Quotes Sonnet 18 contains several of Shakespeares most famous lines. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperateAnd summer’s lease hath all too short a dateSo long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Representation of Muslim Australians in the Media Essay

The Representation of Muslim Australians in the Media - Essay Example Introduction In the modern world, the media plays a major role in the society in not only informing people daily events and issues but also takes a central position in shaping how people perceive certain elements. With a ubiquitous presence that signifies the vast potential it has in informing people about societal affairs and groups of people, the media is viewed as having the ability to shape peoples’ opinions by the way it presents certain versions of reality. Although other various forms of new media have come up in the recent past including the electronic media, their impact on the society is not different from that of the traditional media. Moreover, the widespread presence of the media and their designated role as the reliable conveyors of news and information gives it a central position in defining the society’s perception of minority groups1. How the media articulates certain issues about these minority groups informs the basis and framework through which the m ajority audiences come to think and form opinions about them. Due to their small number in the society, the media generally fail to represent minority groups in the society by marginalizing them, thereby making them invisible. On the other hand, when representation of minority groups is present in media, it is more often than not restricted and takes a negative angle, or is totally constructed due to held stereotypes2. It is imperative to note that these continued negative representation and stereotyping of minority groups in media is not unconnected with how the society reacts towards them. The role enormous role of media in determining how the majority perceive minority groups is further made clear by Van Dijk3, stating that that media discourse is the major source of people’s knowledge, attitudes and ideologies. It follows that when the discourse is directed at minorities coupled with limited interactions with these groups; this role becomes amplified and more critical. Re presentation of Muslims in Australian Media There has been considerable debate and discussion regarding the representation of Muslims in the media particularly in the recent past following the September 2001 terrorist attacks. The above ideas can be directly applied in examining the way in which the worldwide Muslim community and the Australian Muslims in particular are represented in the media. Religion in general has always suffered in the hands of the media but there seems to be a distinct repugnance towards Islam and Muslims. This continued media coverage of Islam and Muslims has elicited considerable response from the Muslim community in Australia for some time now. There is a considerable amount of literature and research that illustrates Western and Australian media discourses that regarding Islam and Muslims and more often than not it is found that most of the representations are negative albeit with a few neutral standings. Since the terrorist attacks in September 2001 in t he United States, the media coverage of Muslims and Islam in Australia has tended to be taking two very different positions. The media either totally ignore the Muslims and discussion of Islam, making it the ‘invisible minority’, and in effect denying them participation among the urban citizenry. Conversely, the media has represented Muslims in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quality Management System - Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quality Management System - Question - Essay Example tivity: A Brief Survey†). b) From the above calculations, it can be inferred that the Labor Productivity of Firm A is much less compared to its competitor Firm B and hence Firm A needs to improve its productivity per unit labor employed. Thus, Firm A should focus more into Human Resource Optimization in order to improve their labor productivity. The Plant & Equipment productivity of both the firms is same implying that both have utilized their assets by the same extent. The material productivity is also almost same. In terms of royalty, Firm A seems to be in a better position compared to its competitor Firm B as it has better sales value. The energy productivity of Firm A is much higher than Firm B implying that it has utilized its energy component optimally. The total productivity of both the firms is also almost the same, while Firm A utilizes it energy component better, Firm B optimizes its labor utilization. Thus, it can be inferred from the total productivity that the pros pect of Firm A seems to be slightly superior then Firm B. Problem 2 Histogram for Hours of Overtime It can be inferred from the above histogram that 12 employees which is 40% of the entire number of employees fall in the range of (93 – 185) overtime hours. The range (0-92) overtime hours and (186-278) overtime hours have 7 employees each which is equivalent to 23.3% of the total no. of employees. There are two employees each who fall in the overtime hours range of (279-371) and (372-464). The mean value of the overtime hours is 167.26 hours and it can be noted from the histogram that more than 50% of the total employees have overtime hours less than the mean. To conclude, it can be seen that the hours of overtime appear to be normally distributed amongst the 30 employees. Histogram for Days Absent The above histogram shows that almost half of the total employees (i.e. 14 which is 46.6% of the total) has number of days absent ranging from (0 – 1.2) days. Subsequently th e next highest figure of workers’ absence days falls in the range from (2.6 – 3.8) days. There are 6 employees whose days of absence fall in the range of (1.3 - 2.5) days while there are only 3 employees (10% out of total employees) whose absence days fall in the range between (5.2 - 6.4) days. From the distribution of histogram it can be revealed, more than half of total workers (63% of the total employees) have absence days which are less than the mean value of 1.93 days. To conclude, the distribution of histogram appears to be shifted to the left which means most workers have absence days less than the mean value. Problem 3 The data overtime hours and

Paraphase 5 abstracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paraphase 5 abstracts - Essay Example The thesis offers an alternative approach to managing freight train schedules in both single and double track railway systems. It explores a scope that previous literature have failed to cover, the rail’s ability to accommodate different levels of demand. Previous literatures also fail to consider alternating tracks in railway stations, crossovers, and delays that trains incur during sidings. The author then proposes a management model that is independent of time but considers the factors that have been ignored by previous researchers. They offer linear programming approach that is based on data from Canada Pacific Railway (Le 1). Abstract 2: Learning approaches for QoS-based web service trust by Mahamad Mehdi Software developers that operate on wide scopes are changing their designs towards computing systems that are open and diversified. The new models focus on developing links among different users and the quality of achieved connectivity is of supreme interest. One of the new designs is Service Oriented Computing. Users of such systems rely on dependence on one another towards realization of business goals that are often similar but have wide scopes. The desired quality of the systems’ interaction however dictates selection of services and the contents of such services, a concept that identifies the need for trust among parties that engage in a network. A user then rates other parties’ trust levels from which services are managed. Based on this interaction model, services that offer more trust assumes higher probabilities of being incorporated in a user’s system. The authors, in an attempt to understand trustworthiness of services through Bayesian inferences and Bayesian Networks, simulates a machine learning task and applies probability concept in analysis. The author also offers a model that is based on Bayesian Network to determine level of trustworthiness of Quality of services in the internet. With test of validity, the rese archers establish that statistical distributions for determining levels of trust of web services are flexible, precise, and are significant to improving the choice and content of a service (Mehdi 1). Abstract 3: Model-driven aspect-oriented software security hardening by Djedjiga Mouheb The scope of software engineering identifies significance of security, a concept that people consider and incorporate after development of software. This means that software developers complete their work without provisions for security and security aspects are fixed later in the software’s lives. The current nature of software environment that is complicated, with a poor directional influence has however facilitated the approach to software security despite its high costs and its effect of reduced security level of a system. This means that security systems are integrated into software but the software remains susceptible to threats. The widely scoped need for security for all software also m eans that each security system is used, diversely, in many features of software. The approach to software security that is also manual is labour intensive and is prone to errors that may further compromise software’s security. An approach to incorporating security systems from software’s earlier stages is therefore necessary and the researchers explore a

The Epistles to the Corinthians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Epistles to the Corinthians - Essay Example Although Paul is considered to have been one of the most accessible of early church figures, he has nevertheless proven difficult to identify in terms of who he was as a man.   Attempting to define Paul, author Victor Paul Furnish (1994) identifies two Pauls, one identified in his relation within the church and one identified in his historical context.   Within the church, he is determined to be the apostle for the Gentiles as Colossians highlights his function as a missionary to them and as Ephesians grants them equal status with the Jews as beneficiaries of the promises of Christ (Beker, 1991: Chs. 3 & 4).   Historically, there is evidence that Paul was a Pharisee prior to embarking upon his missionary work, but this provides less information than one might otherwise assume (Saldarini, 1988).   â€Å"Precisely as a Jew, and subsequently as a Jewish Christian, he [Paul] was also very much a man of the Hellenistic age: apparently trained in the subjects that constituted the lower and middle levels of Hellenistic education, clearly at home among the socially elite of urban society, both willing and able to engage the religious and intellectual concerns of the non-Jewish world† (Furnish, 1994: 11).   Combining these two viewpoints, Furnish indicates that Paul was a man of tremendous but practical conviction.   He had a firm grasp on his faith and beliefs, but was cognizant of the need to adapt the message to suit the needs of the audience.   He consistently placed his orations on the level of his opinion or interpretation.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leadership and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership and Ethics - Essay Example The task and duty of managers, leaders and administrators is to apply moral and ethical principles to business world and meet social responsibility issues and take into environmental concerns. As a decision maker experiences the outcome of a moral choice, not just the external outcome but the internal one as well, the entire decision-making process can be affected. Self-esteem may increase or decrease, leading to modifications (or not) in the perceptual net, the analytic tools, the approach to synthesis, choice, and action planning. Such a learning process is clearly, if slowly, unfolding with the implementation of affirmative action programs in the United States. Racial and gender discrimination are perceived and analyzed differently by most of us today than they were twenty years ago (Crane and Matten 2004). In order to know what the business can do for the community, it must first thoroughly know and understand its own resource capability in the areas of money, manpower, equipment, space, and managerial and technical expertise. Once this is known, then it can be correlated with the various community needs to determine how helpful, if at all, the company can be to the c ommunity. It may be as simple as supplying a few employees for local volunteer work to assisting the community in an in-depth study program or building program in a particular area. It is just as important to know the community and its needs as it is to know the company's capabilities. Someone within the company must work with the community to become familiar with the community needs, or the company must establish some type of internal committee or board to study community problems (Sims, 2003). The committee or board should be composed of people from the company and various representatives of community organizations. Finally, once a program selection has been made it must be carefully monitored; this must involve both review and control. Proper monitoring will enhance the image of the company and improve the chance of program success. Project feedback and follow-up will ensure that the project is being executed within time and funds limitations (Beauchamp and Bowie 2003). Courage is necessary if one is to improve the world. Once you open the door on differences, you have crossed into new intellectual territory forever. There is no turning back to the simple pleasures of taxonomies and typologies about who human beings are. Competitor selection policies contain provisions by which the corporate strategist seeks to consolidate his control over the competitors in his colony (Crane and Matten 2004). He can consolidate control, according to Porter, by placating good competitors, turning bad competitors into good competitors, and attacking bad competitors who could not become good competitors. The corporate strategist who governs this colony is no fool when it comes to dealing with good competitors. According to Porter, the effective corporate strategist "must allow good competitors enough successes to lead them to perpetuate their strategies" (Beauchamp and Bowie 2003). This allowance is a central feature of the strategic convention by which the strategist and his good competitors get along. The upshot is that the difference between successful and unsuccessful competitor selection is the strategist's ability to placate and to punish his

Experiment 2 Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Experiment 2 - Lab Report Example Equation for Archimedes buoyancy force is; Fb = g(mobject – mair), where Fb = buoyancy force, g = gravitational acceleration, and m = mass. On the other hand, Avogadro’s laws allows for the determination of a gas’ volume at a given density. Equation for Avogadro’s law is; molar mass/densitySTP = 22.415L/mole. By determining the volume and mass of any gas, it becomes easy to deduce a gas’ molar mass (Peck 68). This experiment involved determining the molar masses of hydrogen and helium; gases that are less dense than air. Prior to commencement of the experiment, appropriate safety requirements were performed. First, use of safety goggles and lab coats was prioritized. Secondly, water spilled on the floor was wiped in order to prevent slippage of students during the experiment. Finally, any chance of hydrogen ignition was considered, especially adherence to the use of fumed hood and prevention of static electricity. After the safety considerations, procedural steps of the experiment were performed. The volume of the pitcher was measured using a graduated cylinder. Simultaneously, the balloon was prepared by inflating it with either hydrogen or helium and subsequently weighed. Either excess balloon was cut off or additional pieces of strings added to the balloon setup until the balloon could float in air. Next, the pitcher setup was performed by immersion into water and the balloon gas transferred into the immersed pitcher. Finally, the gas’ volume was measured together with other relevant parameters like air pressure and environmental temperature. As a means of facilitating consistency and precision, three trials were performed for both hydrogen and helium. Data and results from each step of the experiment were recorded in the sheet below. Based on the data collected during the experiment, the calculated average molar mass of hydrogen is 2.107 g/mol while that of helium is 1.14 g/mol. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leadership and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership and Ethics - Essay Example The task and duty of managers, leaders and administrators is to apply moral and ethical principles to business world and meet social responsibility issues and take into environmental concerns. As a decision maker experiences the outcome of a moral choice, not just the external outcome but the internal one as well, the entire decision-making process can be affected. Self-esteem may increase or decrease, leading to modifications (or not) in the perceptual net, the analytic tools, the approach to synthesis, choice, and action planning. Such a learning process is clearly, if slowly, unfolding with the implementation of affirmative action programs in the United States. Racial and gender discrimination are perceived and analyzed differently by most of us today than they were twenty years ago (Crane and Matten 2004). In order to know what the business can do for the community, it must first thoroughly know and understand its own resource capability in the areas of money, manpower, equipment, space, and managerial and technical expertise. Once this is known, then it can be correlated with the various community needs to determine how helpful, if at all, the company can be to the c ommunity. It may be as simple as supplying a few employees for local volunteer work to assisting the community in an in-depth study program or building program in a particular area. It is just as important to know the community and its needs as it is to know the company's capabilities. Someone within the company must work with the community to become familiar with the community needs, or the company must establish some type of internal committee or board to study community problems (Sims, 2003). The committee or board should be composed of people from the company and various representatives of community organizations. Finally, once a program selection has been made it must be carefully monitored; this must involve both review and control. Proper monitoring will enhance the image of the company and improve the chance of program success. Project feedback and follow-up will ensure that the project is being executed within time and funds limitations (Beauchamp and Bowie 2003). Courage is necessary if one is to improve the world. Once you open the door on differences, you have crossed into new intellectual territory forever. There is no turning back to the simple pleasures of taxonomies and typologies about who human beings are. Competitor selection policies contain provisions by which the corporate strategist seeks to consolidate his control over the competitors in his colony (Crane and Matten 2004). He can consolidate control, according to Porter, by placating good competitors, turning bad competitors into good competitors, and attacking bad competitors who could not become good competitors. The corporate strategist who governs this colony is no fool when it comes to dealing with good competitors. According to Porter, the effective corporate strategist "must allow good competitors enough successes to lead them to perpetuate their strategies" (Beauchamp and Bowie 2003). This allowance is a central feature of the strategic convention by which the strategist and his good competitors get along. The upshot is that the difference between successful and unsuccessful competitor selection is the strategist's ability to placate and to punish his

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sociology Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology Religion - Essay Example The wedding itself is considered to be a sacrifice to the fire deity, Agni. A wedding ceremony cannot thus be considered complete without the completion of the fire ritual. In the ritual, sacred fire encirclements are made around the bride and the groom to signify unity. This custom is however getting faced out with some of the religions within the Hindu culture. The wedding culminates after a precision of processes that include courtship and the pre-wedding. During courtship, the bride’s parents and the groom’s parents agree on common terms for their son and daughter to begin dating. The dating is however formal and restricted. During this time, the groom’s parents organize visits to the prospective bride’s home and take their son along with them. Such is meant for the bride and the groom to first get acquainted formally. Then, informal meetings between the two can be arranged for them to develop a connection. During this time, it is expected that a lady may have several suitors and date them till the appropriate time to choose a suitor. The same is the case with the man. The prospective groom has to go on several dates to find the compatible partner for there to be a match. The pre-wedding ceremony involves engagement in which two forms of engagement are done. The verbal engagement, known as the vagdana and the written agreement is known as lagna-patra. Wedding arrangements begin immediately the lagna-patra is signed as the wedding is taken seriously and may take several feasting days depending on the wealth of the couple. Typically, the celebrations begin when the bride is taken to her new home but it may be by the time the dowry is paid. In India, the bride pays the dowry unlike most cultures and religions where the groom is expected to pay the dowry. A wedding ceremony is considered holy and thus conducted using the holy language Sanskrit. However, as times change, some wedding rituals have been dropped to accommodate intermarri age of Hindus with other religions in India. During the wedding, two main rituals are conducted. The first is the saptapadi. Saptadi is a Sanskrit word that means ‘seven steps’. Essentially, the couple conducts seven circuits of the holy fire (Agni). The essence of this is that the holy fire is considered a witness to the vows they make. The vows must thus not be broken as it would be considered a sacrilege to do so. The manner in which the circuit ritual is conducted differs from North, South and central India. In the north, the first six circuits are led by the bride with the groom leading the last one. In central India, the bride leads the first three circuits while the groom leads the remaining four circuits. The second ritual is the shanthi muhurtham. This ritual involves decoration of the matrimonial bed. It is expected in Hindu culture that the wedding night is the night of consummation of the marriage. The ritual is performed by the groom’s relatives. The government of India acknowledges intermarriage between various religious sects as legal. Intermarriages involving the Hindu and other cultures or religion is conducted based on such culture and religion. In most Hindu weddings, a sense of pride, purity and heritage is maintained. The bride and the groom must be presented to the ceremony as chaste. This entails not bringing children born out of wedlock to the ceremony. Hindu traditions strongly oppose remarriage and divorce. It is considered that once a couple ties the knot, they are unified forever by the god of fire. The possibility of divorce is thus not admissible. Conclusion Indian weddings are fun to attend as they involve a lot of interesting rituals. The importance of the rituals is often

Monday, October 14, 2019

Environmental Impact Assessment Report On Malaysian Airport Project Construction Essay

Environmental Impact Assessment Report On Malaysian Airport Project Construction Essay The first system to assess the environmental impact was developed by US in 1970, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been used widely over the world and it has become the most crucial tools in implemented any projects or planning process. Until now, almost 55 countries have starting to use formal EIA system measurement, not only that about 100 countries have implement the EIA measures system (Haklay et al., 1998). Compared to other countries in this world, Malaysia has been the top countries to adapt with EIA. As a proof Malaysia has develop the Environmental Quality Act 1974 in Third Malaysia Plan, Department of Environment and an Environmental Quality Council has been setup to smooth the planning process in the national level. In Environment Quality Act 1984, section 34A extended the environment impact assessment legislation; however in 1986 the act amends that require assessment for all private and public projects which may be have high impact on the environment. Besides tha t, in 1998 EIA will be implemented as whole and made it mandatory to all the project to be implemented (Barroe, 1997). Environmental assessment report intended to assess the environmental impacts of airport project proposed by Janji Manis Corporation (JMC) to replace the new airport in Subang to Sepang, as what been stated in the JMC Development Plan to build an airport in the capital city of Malaysia in accordance to fulfil the needs of the globalization and demand of the market. Besides that, the current airport required to accommodate market demand for the airport with increasing numbers of consumers, thus new airport will be able to offers the demand of the users. However, according to the Department of Environment of Malaysia, any project to be implemented must get the approval from the department to ensure that the project would not be jeopardized the environment in airport project area. Besides that, the project also must include all formalities needed such as giving briefing session to the residence of the place involved, local councils, state authority, agencies and various environmental rel ated people. For example giving explanation to the society in Sepang where the airport project to be implemented. Besides that, there are several procedures need to be completed before the decision to allow the project to be implement. Among the procedures involve are, preliminary assessment, detailed assessment and review assessment report. Where preliminary assessment main objectives are to examine the project proposal and select the best project options which are available, secondly, identify and integrate into the project preparation to appropriate abatement and mitigating appropriate measures; and to identify important residual on the environmental impacts. Besides that, in second procedure in preparing detailed assessment done by describes the significant enduring environmental impacts that were predicted from the final project plan prepared; to specify the mitigating and the abatement measures needed in the final project preparation; and identify the costs on environment and the benefits can be obtain from the airport project to the local community involved in order for critically review the detailed assessment reports the steps needed are by evaluating the development and costs of the environmental and bene fits of the final project plan to the society; to formulate and recommending and guidelines to the project that been approved to the relevant authority so that the project can be implemented. In the other hand, EIA requires detail analysis because of probable effects to the environment from the airport project. EIAs require systematic analysis of the potential impacts, secondly the projects to be carried out with proposal of mitigation measures, thirdly, to get the detail economics valuation of the impact and suggesting the best alternative to be choose, and finally be able to prepare the environmental management plan. The Process in Preparing EIA Every EIA needs the Terms of Reference (TOR) which can be develop via scoping. The output expected through scoping are: Identify the probability impact on environment or other concerns on environment to be considered and also need to further investigate from EIA report. Identify components of the environment that need comprehensive study. Determine the correct method and approach that appropriate in order to carry out EIA study. Identify the specific interest that might be occur in consultation before the EIA been carry out. Identify the need appropriately in to EIA context especially before the project can be implemented. The next step of EIA analysis must follow the key important activities of the airport project: Describing Environmental Condition of the New Airport Project Area It is crucial to run the EIA study by examining the baseline information about the area biophysical, social and economic, and this will be the reference to the new airport project. Therefore, according to the proposal of new airport in Sepang provide the appropriate information on the geology of the place which mostly the land that plant palm. Furthermore, the land is suitable because its good structure of the soil. Thus such area offers good potential to build the new airport. The location between the new airport area and Subang (current) location is 55.6 kilometers to south of Malaysia, and is bounded by Nilai Highway, Lekas Highway and Federal Highway that connecting short distance and smooth way to new airport location. Furthermore, the new airport location has some native foliage, described as oil palm plantation, but most of the area is predominantly vacant. Previously the area was occupying Felda Corporation, however the land was beneficial for commercial and development thus it has been given the authority to JMC to build the new airport in that particular location. Besides that, until today there were no threatened of ecological was reported in that area by Department of Environment of Malaysia. However, in order to sustain the environment the new airport project will consider the preservation of environment, which predominantly by sustaining the rest of the land by palm plantation and the new airport will be build based on green technology and will also sustaining three main elements of sustainable, that is environment, economics and social. Besides that, the located area also accommodating the crop industry and the project will distract the habitat however it is believed that the habitat can be transferred to the nearest location near Tiroi and the area is believed having significant ability to place the habitat that need to be sustain. Furthermore, the new airport location is located far away from housing area and also satellite area and this will ensure that the location will not distract the residence or society in Sepang. Additionally, this project will be able to offer the local society of the economic development by offering jobs and transportation development with good system and condition of road and many aspects that might effects the local lifestyle or living opportunities. Environmental Impacts Associated with the New Airport Project Traffic The location of new airport is bounded by Federal Highway and surrounded by Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat Bypass. The location can be access via Federal Highway using Nilai Exit, and all kind of vehicles, including semitrailers, commercial vehicles and flat trucks will bring the material of construction or the oil palm industries transportation. As an additional the nearest palm plantation company has some restriction to be obeyed, due to limited usage of Jalan Utara and Semangat including the bridge. Currently about 15,000 are vehicles using the road way along Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat. Besides that, according to Average weekday traffic flow 2008/09 has found that the average total of traffic throughout the peak hour (7:15 am to 8:15am) was about 3,000 vehicles southbound, and 550 vehicles westbound. Furthermore, the common traffic surge for the noon peak hours (5:10 pm to 6:15pm) consists of about 590 vehicles southbound, and 790 vehicles westbound. Furthermore, JMC has indomitable that the new airport will raise the traffic about 2.2% (340 vehicles) of present daily of the traffic on weekdays. Jalan Utara is a three lane wideway. As a results JMC has organize discussions with the local authority for Malaysia Planning and Infrastructure (MPI) on the possibility of the street being upgraded to a four lane dual roadway in the medium to long term. The main challenge for JMC is when the public raised about the increased the problems of traffic in the area. Particularly they are concern about the threat on the safety of their children and neighbouring community, and how do Jalan Utara to absorb the extra vehicles come to their area roadway. In other hand, JMC has planned to use the airport site from Jalan Utara. Both Jalan Utara and Jalan Semangat can only maintain the semi-trucks, and the permits are obtained from the State Government of Negeri Embilan to permit Double-Big trucks on those particular roads. Jalan Utara also has a big bridge (Jalan Utarra Bridge) in excess of a gas produces which will need to be upgraded if Double-Big trucks are to access over the bridge. JMC has dedicated to face the cost involve to upgrade the bridge if required to do so. JMC has suggested three diverse traffic circumstances in the MDP. Situation 1 is to embark on with no development on the roads, and apply the semi-trailers for materials trans portation. Situation 2 is to obtain the necessary permits, and improve the bridge on Jalan Utara, to enable Double-Big trucks to enter the roads. Situation 3 is by obtaining permits for Double-Big trucks to enter Jalan Utara, however they need to take a route that not using the bridge. JMC of course prefers Situation 1 at this point. JMC also has taken for action the public worries in the MDP as follows: The major concern for the children is the western section of Jalan Utara. JMC plans to initiate truck drivers not to enter that part of road; All road installation will be obeyed to the endorsement with the relevant right, and the number of trips, transfer of services with any other issue will be integrated; and Raw materials of the projects will only be elated between 6:10am and 6:10pm. Around 10 truck (semi-trailers) travels are likely to be used during peak times. Services The new airport project will require JMC to upgrades the existing services that available, and also to supply the new services that necessary. The project area is located adjacent to an existing gas processing of Petronas, and also has access to the electricity area. JMC promises to upgrade the electricity and enhance the area power supply, and also to get access to the gas production so that they will meet the requirements of a airport construction. Area Sewage Treatment The project site is not getting serviced by sewer mains to the local, and JMC has plans to install a nutrient replace on-site treatment unit needed. Consultant for JMC has taken for action that: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The system firstly must be able to hold the quantity of waste generated, and may need local council authority and Health Department of Malaysia approval; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ A sewage disposal area would be needed to be recognized and would also need to be at least 36m from the nearest bay à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sewage disposal by using irrigation would not be appropriate for location where the water table is located or too close to the ground surface system; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Blended soils may be needed under the irrigated location in environmentally sensitive location and to prevent nutrient discharge to the groundwater system. Disproportionate release of nutrients to the site could also result in blemish of waterways. JMC has not point up that issue in the MDP. Water The location needed a ring central part to carry town water to the place for fire-fighting. JMC explain that mostly the water used in construction will be sourced from surplus and irk water, and also depending on the available quality of the bore water system. Besides that, storm water drainage planned to be modified in order to collect run-off from the cemented and roof location and it again will then be transferred to a series of drainage place available. JMC suggest re-using most of this water for construction and dust control. Additionally, some of that used water may be spoiled with unwanted silt and clay, so JMC suggest lining the first setup water pond to prevent leakage. JMC also suggest working on an interceptor pit in to thee handle removal of any oil residues system, in the event if accidental spillage that might happen. Lighting In other hand the public concern was also point up about the lighting on the location impacting to the flora and fauna in the involve area, and residential areas nearby. JMC suggests focusing the lights on the traffic place of the work area nearby. JMC also plans to position additional outside lighting so that will ensure it will not obstruct with the amenity of neighbours place. All external lighting planned will be placed in unity with the Malaysia Standard (1999). Dust Airport construction activities may cause dust during ground trouble in involved area. However, this is not expected to be happen or a concern during the working phase of the construction, as exterior areas will be impermeable, and restricted dust is expected to be generated by strict control. Thus, public worries raised the issue of dust from the project. JMC has promised to minimize the dust by put in work the standard dust control measurement such as wind fencing, hydro-mulching and spraying water. Noise Another aspects need to be consider by JMC is noise levels that will increases during the construction of the new airport at the expected area. Besides that, heavy earthmoving tools, trucking of spoil and dewatering, will have the possible to generate high volume of noise during the new airport construction. Increased of noise will also occur by the trucks and other equipment related such as forklifts during operation of the project. However, public concerns of these issues have been raised especially about the increased noise volume from equipment and trucks used. JMC plan that all equipment will be maintained in good working condition and with the standard noise mufflers will be used to ensure excessive noise will not be generated. Furthermore, airport construction activities will be only occur during the working day, and all the trucks will only be enter and leave the involved area between 6.10am and 6.10pm during operations time. JMC has also promised to conduct the ambient noise monitoring system for every 3 months time during working phase, and the annually monitoring after normal operations originated. Flora and Fauna Flora The location is largely cleared of shrubbery. However, JMC suggest clearing the residual remainder plant life on the 28ha area, with remainder shrubbery being preserved on the planned perimeter and non development place. The parts of the area will be widely re-vegetated with suitable local species to give a visual and resonance barrier of the project. JMC also states that the project area has been acknowledged by MDP as a no priority place and completely under the MDP Master Plan 2008 Priority43 and No Priority place will not issue to further assessment needed. The project area, Sepang Oil Palm plantation and the adjacent vegetation has also been included into a Farm Forever area due its flora and fauna diversity importance. Farm Forever is a Malaysia Government idea and identifies regionally important farmland to be reserved and confined forever. However, the public concerns have been again point out about the effects of fluoride emissions on the shrubbery and the probability of los s of the Farm Forever area. The effects of fluoride emissions are taken to action in the part Emissions. JMC has also stated that Farm Forever is a Negeri Sembilan State based development instrument that is not steady with the Malaysia Master Planning process Fauna There a number of fauna surveys have been done by DOE of Malaysia on Sepang land. DOE has formally recorded 159 species of vertebrates living organisms, but with only a fairly small amount occurring in the project area. Besides that, a number of scheduled endangered species may be occurring on the area. JMC also states that prior to any clearing is work on, JMC will responsible to conduct a review to position any related species, and remove them from the area in concurrence with WWF principle. According to EPBC Act 1999 JMC would need to attain a part 15 permit to relocate the listed species in any Commonwealth land countries. Air Emissions Airport project expected to emit various sparkling pollutants into the location of the atmosphere. Those pollutants stated include oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC), oxides of Carbon (COx) oxides of Sulphur (SOx), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). Normally emissions are created primarily by the placing phase of airport project working. Health Impacts Acidic gases from new airport project expecting to correlate with varies aspect of the health impacts to the society. The health impacts effects include the problem of itchy eyes and particularly affecting asthmatics, respiratory sensitivity. Furthermore, gaseous emissions also could be mostly harmful to the community with already facing respiratory problems before. Besides that, the main focus for health problems are about the existing development project in the Sepang area have been point out in the previous year. The Sepang Primary School were closed in 1998, after the teachers and students of that school complained of eye, throat, nose and nose bleeds, burnt lips and skin irritations problems. As a results the Ministry of Health of Malaysia run the investigations to study at the emissions from the close development project and farm process. The problems caused by high volume of poisonous emissions, such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrogen fluoride were absorb in the area air, however due to circumstances there were no conclusion was strained on the cause of the contaminants in Sepang. Nonetheless, the local Hospital incinerator was closed and the school nearby was later relocated to suitable place in Sepang. JMC reported that all emissions need to be within the stated strategy as revealed by the modelling of the plan. JMC also explain that there was no exact proven that the direct facts to relation the project emissions to the health of residents who complaints at Sepang Primary School. Though, there have been many reports of difficult health trouble around active farming projects in Sepang. The reported health problems also could be source by short period events when the emissions have over the guideline volume stated. JMC has given a health risk measurement from the Department of Chemical of Malaysia. Tha t measurement is based on the backdrop volume of air ambient at Negeri Sembilan, which is 4-7km from the new Sepang airport. Additionally, Hazard Index (HI) was designed based on the amount of Health Quotient (HQ) of each pollutant factor. Besides that, the HI has been used to decide the risk of growing property of diverse pollutants factor. Besides that, the compliance of the Government of Malaysia has written remarks on the situation of health impacts commencing the Health Department of Malaysia (HDoM). However, the HDoM explain that the stated level of substances can all effects the respiratory system and give the high impact and certainly can effects the health and may be cumulative in given system. The HDoM also explain that the measured HI of 0.6 for the airport project, 2.08 in the collective impact of JMCs project plan, and the present setting assess would not be insignificant, as the pollutants factor in issue are respiratory system irritants on health. The HDoM proved changes in respiratory morbidity, together with hospital registration, mostly for asthmatics case, are likely at verdict standards of the given substances and are believed to have a probable impact of the place as expected. In addition, HDoM describe in the condotion that cannot be complete in factor on vitality impacts with no added in turn given . In response to the HDoM remarks, JMC hired Cemerlang Associates Pty Ltd to testimony on supplementary in sequence and explanation concerning health risk evaluation. Besides that, the testimony explains that when using HQ and HIis ordinary preparation, and is a conventional method that has a potential to overvalue the threat, and if the HQ value is bigger than 1 it should be research further. JMC also query some portion of the data used by HDoM to draw its report, and explain that the particular statistics used in Department of Chemical of Malaysia research are imitative from the maximum setting subsistence which exist on diverse term. Though, as prominent exceeding, this study is mainly imitative from in sequence from Negeri Sembilan, rather than the new airport area. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) was run to point the civic worries about the health impacts from the emissions and the existing farm industries area. Furthermore, it describe: It is obvious since the mass of proof over some years that contact to emissions of acid gas (mainly HCl, with some aid from HF) have source verifiable of unpleasant health of the effects, above all respiratory sensitivity and itchy eyes. The policy document describes the variety of factors take into consideration to determine ambient quality standards of air for needed acid gases omitted, and suggested procedure for load emissions to point them. An additional public worries have been point out that there are at present health problems that due to the gas emissions happen from the existing projects and industries, and that production of new project will give and additional to the pollutant caused. The active contaminant freight will be accepted to drop when the DoE project policy on dropping the emission s is completely put in work. Management, Monitoring and Compliance Relating to New Airport Project A vital element in shaping the adequacy of a plan is the capability to forecast and administer the impacts with buoyancy. The administration of the plan requires occurring in mutually the production and functioning stage. Throughout the construction stage of this plan, criterion construction management to be estimated to be able to sufficiently point out all kind impacts on the environmental, as those effects can be estimated with buoyancy. Nonetheless, the effective stage is much more difficult as proved by the DoE Airport Policy (2002) which can be found a variety of insignificant in the regulation and monitoring of the works of other Sepang farm works. Besides that, there are still uncertainties on the working side of this plan mainly with consider to the new accumulation equilibrium method for ensuring the satisfactory volume of the emissions that omitted by the project. These suspicions are over value by the detail that the foundation and description of inputs to the procedure h ave not yet been concluded. A numeral of community submissions have point out worries about whether the plan facility can be administered with the necessary degree of severity. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) focuses that the fact in a sound conformity system can be complicated to manage even for a government department with skill and possessions to manage all industrial facilities in the country. The DoE Airport Licensing Policy (2002) has planned new approach of amendable and monitoring observance. This has raises the regulatory problems for DoE and it also may need to take some time ahead of it acquires the knowledge and sympathetic of the manufacturing processes to be convinced that it will attain ongoing fulfilment. An importance adaptive of a management method will almost positively be necessary in attaining in progress observance given the reservations concerned. JMC have explained that there are sufficient authoritarian systems in place to administer the airport faci lity required. It explains that this only can be done throughout the requests of the Airports Act 1996, and via hire activities with Negeri Sembilan. Furthermore, guideline through Government legislation is commonly required for developed facilities like the airport project. Suitable knowledge and needs to legalize manufacturing facilities commonly include the stop work area, the capability to carry out random survey and test on the emissions omitted, and a perceptive of substance and engineering procedure when developing and to evaluate a bunch balance methods. The plan is to control the airport in Sepang is to some extent diverse from existing developments of the commercial airport, and current new authoritarian problems for the Department of Transport. Negeri Sembilan state has also assured that it can control the tender through leasing engagements. Conversely the guideline of such performance through renting with the private institution presents the challenges. Negeri Sembilan s tate has also marks the likelihood of astringent DoE to point the weakness of authoritarian experience in commerce with industrialized facilities that exist. In other hand, Negeri Sembilan state itself is not based to the same parliamentary requirements as own government, with the respect to the public precision and responsibility. Deparmental Summary on the Airport Project Following is the outline of the Departmental proposal point in above: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The traffic alternative situation 1 wills consequence in a imperfect effects on community areas provided that the trucks will not use the western part of Jalan Utara. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard supervision that measures can point the environmental effects of improvement and providing the services such as lighting, water, power and sewage. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Department of the Environment of Malaysia need to develop the Airport Licensing Policy 2002 to point the difficult environmental effects of existing and future projects, and the Negeri Sembilan state claims that the plan is contradictory with the planning policies planned. Furthermore, given such factors with the public worries about the plan, the procedural researches given to date are not measured sufficient to address probable effects. The matter of other fatalities of amenity, like house standards is a issue of consideration for the Minister for Transport. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects from the dust. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects from noise. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard administration method can point the environmental effects that may happen from changes on the hydrology system. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ No effects should happen to Sepang if the groundwater and shell water flows left from the area. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ No studies were run on the area currently to assess the value of the remainder shrubbery, or their uses by the listed endangered species are. Consequently even if the area is despoiled, no remarks can be haggard by the Department of environment on the significance of the area for listed endangered species. JMC has not planned any alleviation method other then the translocation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Although a summary can be pinched that it is probable to boundary acid gas emitted by the choosing meticulous types of material, JMC has not been established that it should be capable to admittance that material, or reporting detail on the essential wants of the chemical masterpiece of the material to meet the needed objective. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ JMC explain that the plan should meets the safety desires of Air Services, and the required stack height of material to meets the guidelines. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ JMC has working with the modelling on air emissions omitted using the best accessible in sequence. Nonetheless no data of the ambient air quality on the relevant pollutants was accessible for the planned airport area. Given the inefficiency pointed, the Department is not really pleased that the in sequence given to day is adequately thorough to wrap up that the modelling pointed air quality worries. Therefore the Department will not be secure that the plan will not conclude in difficult health from the impacts, if only as of the hesitation about the active pollutant load and the speed with which existing projects will reduce their emissions that omitted by the industries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Standard organization method can point the impacts of the environmental from the stench. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The plan will require with a greater authoritarian participation than usual airport developments. Dictatorial employees with suitable expertise related to airport operations and also with the capability to interfere in those important operations, if needed, will be necessary in given that assurance that an adaptive organization method can consequence in a sound observance system. The sufficiency of the active authoritarian powers based from the Airports Act 1996, and also the proficiency of the Department of Transport to control such actions, is a issue for the Minister of Transport to consider when they planned on the adequacy of the suggestion. Conclusion This project plan has point out important on public worries through the community review term. The Department also remarks that the technologies needed for the facility that have not been formerly used in Negeri Sembilan; that the key fundamentals of the plan like the foundation and description of material need to be used in the project and are yet to be dogged; and the planned method to ascertain and observe observance have not been fully take into consideration. These circumstances could be able to settle throughout an adaptive administration method to guideline, whereby clear of the outcomes and also the aims can be set and administration approaches attuned over the time on the foundation of practice. This method needs a close operational association between controller and advocate with the capability for the controller to arbitrate, rapidly if essential, if the required outputs are not being attained. A sufficient audit or supervision role is necessary for thriving adaptive administration. Despite the fact that Negeri Sembilan state and JMC are very confident that the projected facility ought not unfavourably effects on the atmosphere and that an sufficient authoritarian system is in place throughout the needs of the Airports Act, still it is uncertain to the Department, besides that, guideline through rental schedule, would be adequately pro-active to point the potential failures to be achieve and desired objectives. Furthermore, given the community worries about the suggestion, such fear is improbable to give ease to local people. However, the Department need to supports the suggestion by Negeri Sembilan state to deal with DoE to point out they require of authoritarian practice in dealing with the industrialized facilities such as projects involved. Nonetheless, such astringent would need to be included in a clear and officially workable instrument for DoE so that they can take suitable authoritarian achievement should it be necessary. The Department should consider that the suggestion should only carry on if numerals of reservations are confirmed to the contentment of the Malaysia Government; i. A scrupulous authoritarian system is in position to certify that the suggestion meets the principles set out in the evaluation certification equipped by the supporter and that immediate and efficient counteractive act will be occupied should that establish not to be the main case; ii. The promoter should reveal that it will have to acce